What is minimalism in less than 100 wordsPin

What is minimalism in less than 100 words

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Simply Minimalism

Minimalism is finding long term happiness by removing life’s excesses.

Living simply, consciously and intentionally. It’s about only owning the possessions that you require and that you value.

Buy and own what you need and value. Remove anything else that distracts from this goal.

Simplicity is freedom, freedom from the trappings of excessive consumer culture.

Choose experiences over stuff.

It’s not a set of rules or living up to someone else’s standards.

What’s enough for you and your life goals? That’s your choice.

You decide what you need, what you value, what brings you longterm joy.


Less is more

The ABC’s

10 Benefits

An elevator pitch

Beginner’s guide

Enjoy a simpler life.

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